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Click on any of the cover photos below to open that gallery after which you can scroll through the gallery images.

Wingham Wildlife Park - Life Skills Manor for Autism Gallery

Wingham Wildlife Park

World Book Day 2024 - Life Skills Manor for Autism Gallery

World Book Day 2024

Wetherspoons Trip - Life Skills Manor for Autism Gallery

Wetherspoons Trip

Cafe experience at Reculver - Life Skills Manor for Autism Gallery

Cafe experience at Reculver

VR experience - Life Skills Manor for Autism Gallery

VR experience

Kernsney Abbey - Life Skills Manor for Autism Gallery

Kernsney Abbey

First Aid - Life Skills Manor for Autism Gallery

First Aid

Clip and Climb - Life Skills Manor for Autism Gallery

Clip and Climb

Science Museum Trip - 1st Nov 2023 - Life Skills Manor for Autism Gallery

Science Museum Trip - 1st Nov 2023

Halloween - Life Skills Manor for Autism Gallery


Dogs Trust - Life Skills Manor for Autism Gallery

Dogs Trust

Virtual Reality (VR) Workshop - Life Skills Manor for Autism Gallery

Virtual Reality (VR) Workshop

Coronation Day - Life Skills Manor for Autism Gallery

Coronation Day

Horse Riding Intervention - Life Skills Manor for Autism Gallery

Horse Riding Intervention

Classroom 3 - Drumming - Life Skills Manor for Autism Gallery

Classroom 3 - Drumming

Gardening - Life Skills Manor for Autism Gallery


Duke of Edinburgh 2023 - Life Skills Manor for Autism Gallery

Duke of Edinburgh 2023

Duke of Edinburgh 2022 - Life Skills Manor for Autism Gallery

Duke of Edinburgh 2022

Education Business Partnership - Life Skills Manor for Autism Gallery

Education Business Partnership

Red Nose Day 2023 - Life Skills Manor for Autism Gallery

Red Nose Day 2023

World Book Day - Life Skills Manor for Autism Gallery

World Book Day

Life this term in Hampshire Class - Life Skills Manor for Autism Gallery

Life this term in Hampshire Class

Cooking Photos - Life Skills Manor for Autism Gallery

Cooking Photos

First Aid Lessons - Life Skills Manor for Autism Gallery

First Aid Lessons

Outdoor Learning - Life Skills Manor for Autism Gallery

Outdoor Learning

P.E. - Life Skills Manor for Autism Gallery


Other learning - Life Skills Manor for Autism Gallery

Other learning

Clayson Class Wildwood Trip - Life Skills Manor for Autism Gallery

Clayson Class Wildwood Trip

Margate FC - Life Skills Manor for Autism Gallery

Margate FC

Rare Breeds Centre Ashford - Life Skills Manor for Autism Gallery

Rare Breeds Centre Ashford

Bubbles Workshop - Life Skills Manor for Autism Gallery

Bubbles Workshop

Visit to the vets - Life Skills Manor for Autism Gallery

Visit to the vets

Panto trip - Life Skills Manor for Autism Gallery

Panto trip