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Extra Curricular

Extra-Curricular Interventions Therapy
Personal Training Sensory Circuits Occupational Therapy
Model Making Typesy Psychotherapy
Cooking Flexi Social Club Lego Therapy
Daily Mile Independent Living Sessions Speech and Language Therapy
Allotment Sessions Girls' Group Thrive/Pastoral Interventions
Curriculum Workshops Shopping Therapy Assistant 1:1 and Groups
Weekly Enrichment Trips Travel Training Physiotherapy
Music Lessons Learn to Ride
Boxing Reading Doctor
Basic languages - Spanish, French, Portuguese Horse Riding
Board Games Club
Beach Combing
Wildlife Club
Dance Club
Thrive Feelgood Friday
Reading Club
Roller Skating
Intervention Rationale Code
EHCP Provision must be provided as a legal statutory requirement.
Whole School Provision provided as a whole school approach.
Targeted/Referral Provision provided by targeting a need or referral basis.
Interest Led Provision provided based on pupil interest/self-referral.
Aspect Subject/ Activity
Linguistic Basic French
Mathematics Board Games:
Chess Club
Time Tables Rockstars
Technological Allotment
Physical Boxing & Personal Training
Horse Riding
Aesthetic and creative Art & Craft Club
Personal, Social, Health and Economic Education (PSHE) Feelgood Friday Thrive Social Club
Wildlife Club