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Social, Moral, Spiritual, Cultural (SMSC)

Social, Moral, Spiritual, Cultural logo

We have received the highest standard award for SMSC through our young citizens review.

This review is a detailed analysis and a curriculum accreditation that ensures our provision and education is ambitious and allows students to be empowered so that they are active in building a progressive society.

The Young Citizens benchmarks demand that children are granted wide-ranging opportunities to make a positive difference in the society in which they live – locally, nationally and globally.

SMSC Gold Award certificate

Schools are challenged to help them develop the knowledge, skills and confidence to play their part in modern British society. These expectations are not only good for the students' personal growth, but they are also essential in strengthening and safeguarding our society and our democratic way of life.

This award ensures that SMSC is at the heart of the school and that all stakeholders understand the importance of prioritising this across all aspects. The analysis is about the strategic and day-to-day curriculum provision in the school, but it also inspects how the quality of leadership and management, and the very fabric of the building are utilised to maximise experiences, messaging and personal growth.

To this end the following four key criteria of verification face detailed scrutiny:

  1. The Effectiveness of Leadership & Management
  2. Teaching, Learning & Curriculum
  3. Extra-Curricular Provision
  4. Whole-School Provision
Young Citizens logo
SMSC at Life Skills Manor
SMSC at Life Skills Manor
SMSC at Life Skills Manor
SMSC at Life Skills Manor
SMSC at Life Skills Manor
SMSC at Life Skills Manor

As a school, we continually reflect on what and how we provide SMSC experiences.

On-going development and challenge to hold school leaders to account and a close look at how the school integrates SMSC across the subject areas, across school life, and pursues a detailed vision of the overall picture and development of students so that they become caring, informed and secure human-beings.

" Leaders and staff promote effectively pupils’ spiritual, moral, social and cultural development through the taught curriculum and through establishing a strong ethos of tolerance and respect between staff and pupils. Pupils learn about world cultures, faiths and traditions. " - Ofsted 2022

British Values graphic
SMSC at Life Skills Manor

" The promotion of British values is embedded through the school’s work and ethos. These principles are also taught directly, for example through the PSHE programme. " - Ofsted 2022

This award reflects our school’s commitment to the whole child:

  • Our double-stranded curriculum that is principally skills based with the inclusion of core academic subjects such as Maths, English and Science.
  • Every pupil will leave with employer recognised accreditations, certifications, qualifications and social skills that will provide them with a solid platform to go onto further education or employment.
  • Life Skills lessons will be taught every day to foster independent living, employability, healthy living, and participation in society.

Personal growth is developed under this provision through many interventions per week which include sport, animal care, debates, hygiene workshops, well-being mentoring through our in-house team and also our external provider ‘Changing Minds Kent’ and many more. All staff recognise opportunity to optimise personal growth and ensure that all pupils gain regular opportunities to grow.