Life Skills Manor took part in one of the UKs biggest jobs shows which was held in Stratford over two days. Thousands of people engaged in discussions around the topic of SEND and the Education System linked to this.
The double stranded curriculum was at the heart of these discussions, and this was used to demonstrate the effectiveness of a well thought out, bespoke curriculum. The impact of the curriculum at Life Skills Manor is clear and provides a pathway to allow students to generate a thirst for knowledge and flourish when it comes to preparing for next steps. Recognising areas of strengths for every student is a huge focus at Life Skills Manor and this includes strengths outside of the traditional classroom. For example, work experience placements that are student interest led.
The big aim of any pupil attending school is to leave with the best outcomes possible for a successful career and life ahead. This journey begins as soon as pupils join Life Skills Manor with a careers lesson every week. During year 7 and 8 pupils will become inquisitive about the world of work through exploration based activities. This can then form the foundations for specific jobs and sectors of work and led to regular work experience and post 16 transitions throughout years 10 and 11.
Personal development plays a large part in successful preparation to post 16 through the teaching of PSHE and the development of each students’ personal characteristics. Learning how to develop confidence, increase skills and become resilient are all key concepts at Life Skills Manor.
The job show was a huge success, and it was a pleasure to attend and be part of such a huge event. To have the opportunity to discuss, in depth, our schools focus and share the fantastic achievements of students, parents/carers and staff was fantastic.